Magna Carta is a label that is generally held in high esteem by fans of progressive rock, releasing one classic album after another and with an artist rooster that by and large are well known and established artists in their field. And even if other labels may arguably draw more attention to themselves these days, one does take notice of signings made by this long-lasting US label. In that respect, Canadian band The Android Meme have done well to hook up with these folks.
And to my ears the label have done a wise decision too I might add. Progressive rock and metal are types of music where a relative limited set of artists are the main influences for most endeavours, and it's always nice to come across someone who does seek out shores a tad more exotic. Which is very much the case here. These guys know their metal and progressive metal, be it staggering frantic riff cascades or majestic riff and keyboard constructions creating that grandiose mood many progressive metal fans adore. Tool are cited as influences by this act, and to my ears it is one not too hard to catch. But those who enjoy artists like Ayreon will also find quite a lot of interest in the more majestic parts of this album. Warm, rich guitars supported by fluctuating, space-tinged keyboard layers for instance.
But there's also a gentle side to this production. Not in terms of ballads however, but as in wandering guitar licks emphasizing the lighter tones used as the foundation for a select few parts, creating a neat and strong contrast with the pro- or preceding darker compact one. And while the arrangements tend to be rich and at times lavish, there's ample room for simplistic ones too, again utilized as effective contrasts maintaining nerve and tension.
A minor but important details is the more or less everpresent electronic sounds and textures. rarely dominant, but adding a slight industrial feel to this disc. A subtle presence of Nine Inch
Nails if you like.
By and large it's an engaging production too. Distinctly progressive metal to my ears, but a variety that include many elements that may be described as innovative. If not in the end result than at least in approach. Right here and now I can't really find any good comparisons either, other than similarities in approach shared to some extent with artists as diverse as Invisigoth, OSI and aforementioned Tool and Ayreon. And on a more subtle plane, Trent Raznor of course. If this sounds interesting, and you're generally fond of acts exploring darker moods and atmospheres, "Ordo Ab Chao" is a CD you probably should check out.
My rating: 78/100
Track list:
1. The Machine Stops - 3:53
2. Sumii - 3:54
3. Polar Rose - 5:41
4. Sigma - 4:19
5. Ordo Ab Chao - 3:34
6. Left Right Parasite - 5:44
7. Esoterika - 4:18
8. Spook - 4:13
9. Whistleblower - 5:15
10. Stranger - 5:49
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