fredag 8. juli 2016

Take a part in the international project of making the video of the song "The Heroes Of the War".

Metal Scrap Records and DRUKNROLL band invite you to take a part in the international project of making the video of the song "The Heroes Of the War". Just take your camera or smartphone and go down in history of Metal!
The main idea of the video is to show the military burial places of the Second World War in Europe and to remind everybody of the heroes, who were killed in the fights against fascism.
With your help, we want to collect videos of military burial places of Europe and the whole world for making this video. Of course, it's hard, but it's worth doing it, because we have to remember the history.
If you're interesting in it, make an application before the 1st of September and send it to

Video requirements:
- Full HD(1920х1080)
- Max 2 minutes
- 5-8 different Plans
- A few of close-ups
- The video should be dinamic
- Indicate the places of shooting (the name, city/town, country)(Eng)
- Indicate the author's name (name, surname, country)(Eng)

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